"QIP 2020"
五 01 一月 2021
- Events
- Research published: true excerpt: "Our group attended QIP 2020 at Shenzhen, China, with two posters"
The QIP 2020 will be hosted at Shenzhen. PDFs and videos are available here
Some observations:
flag qubits for fault tolerant circuit. work by Rui Chao. link
using QEC to protect quantum teleportation from attackers.
Assumption: if the distance \(d\) is large, attackers with limited measurement ability ( can only measure \(d\) or less qubits at the same time) can only produce a correctable error.
talk by Alex Bredariol Grilo, William Slofstra and Henry Yuen. Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs -
Map general circuit to chips
Lingling Lao, Bas van Wee, Daniel Moreno Manzano, Hans van Someren, Imran Ashraf, Nader Khammassi, Koen Bertels and Carmen Garcia Almudever
Mapping of quantum circuits onto 2D architectures -
fast decoder for color codes
Aleksander Kubica and Nicolas Delfosse.
Color code decoding in d >= 2 dimensions
I will present my poster with title "Higher-dimensional quantum hypergraph-product codes and concatenated codes"